When you donate to The Daniel Centers you provide Israelis with meaningful opportunities to explore and embrace Reform Judaism. Together, we are building an Israel that embodies tolerance, inclusivity, and equality
Your generosity supports our four spiritual centers that offer Israelis religious, cultural, and social justice programs for all ages. Particularly during times of turmoil such as these, Israelis are looking for identity and community, and we are proud to be there for any and all.
If you prefer to mail a check, please make payable to “Friends of the Daniel Centers for Progressive Judaism” and mail to:
5630 Wisconsin Avenue, #1601
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Your generous donation is tax deductible through our US (501c3) status. To learn more about our work and other philanthropic opportunities, please contact
Edit Reizes, Director of Outreach and Development
edit@beit-daniel.org.il | Tel: +1- 301-538-4487